How can we help you?

The Exeter employment team at Trowers & Hamlins in Exeter would like to invite you or a colleague to a free webinar on Wednesday 27 April at 10:30am, covering the topics of discrimination, harassment, and the dangers of banter in the workplace.

The question of "when does banter and joking go too far in the workplace?", is a crucial one for employers in all sectors and industries. It can be a difficult line to draw, particularly where there is an engrained workplace culture of lots of joking and banter, and the consequences of getting it wrong can be substantial for individuals and employers alike. In the wake of the Yorkshire Cricket Club racism scandal, this issue has come even more to the forefront of both employers' and employees' minds, and it is more important than ever for employers to be able to determine when joking has morphed into harassment and what to do about it.

We hope that this webinar will help employers to navigate this tricky topic. The session promises to be informative, interactive, and interesting, and will involve real case examples for discussion.

This session is open to anyone – Senior Leaders, Executives, HR, Managers and many more. If the above webinar isn't for you, please feel free to forward this invitation to a colleague or associate who might be interested using the link at the top of this email. 

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