Gender pay gap

At Trowers & Hamlins there is a pay gap for the mean hourly earnings of all UK employees of 13.3% and a median hourly pay gap of 26.7% in favour of men. When we include the Partnership, these figures change to 19.8% and 26% respectively. 

Our firm comprises two entities, both of which we must report separately on. 

Gender Pay: Trowers & Hamlins LLP (including Partners)

The difference between men and women

   Mean  Median
 Hourly paid  14.6%  17.3%
 Bonus paid  34.1%  34.7%

Proportion of men receiving a bonus: 79.5%
Proportion of women receiving a bonus: 88.5%

Hourly Pay – Pay Quartiles showing gender distribution across the firm by quartiles

 Quartile   Women %   Men % 
 Upper quartile  40.1%  59.9%
 Upper-Middle quartile  60.2%  39.8%
 Lower-Middle quartile  72.6%  27.4%
 Lower quartile  76%  24%

Gender Pay: Trowers & Hamlins (Services) Limited

The difference between men and women

   Mean   Median
 Hourly paid   21.5%  13.6%
 Bonus paid  54.9%  28.5%

Proportion of men receiving a bonus: 91.5%
Proportion of women receiving a bonus: 89.7%

Hourly Pay – Pay Quartiles showing gender distribution across the firm by quartiles

 Quartile  Women %  Men % 
 Upper quartile  57.1%  42.9%
 Upper-Middle quartile  71.4%  28.6%
 Lower-Middle quartile  78.5%  21.5%
 Lower quartile  70.3%  29.7%

Gender Pay Gap report

In the following report we break down this information and provide further analysis so that a greater understanding can be achieved.

Here you can download the full report
Here you can download last year's report