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The Ministry of Justice has published statistics for the financial year from April 2017 to March 2018.

During this period the employment tribunals accepted a total of 109,685 claims (up from 88,476 during the previous year). Although this total represents a 24% increase, it still only amounts to 57% of the total figure of 191,451 for claims received in 2012-12, the last complete year before fees were introduced. However, this year's annual figures still include a period prior to the Supreme Court's decision to abolish fees on 26 July 2018, so it is likely that the number of claims will increase in 2018-2019.

Compensation figures reveal that awards were made in only 536 unfair dismissal claims (compared to 587 in 2016-17) and in 136 discrimination cases (compared to 158 cases in 2016-17). Disability discrimination cases had the largest average award (£30,700), while religious discrimination claims had the lowest average award (£5,100). The average award for unfair dismissal was £15,007.

In the meantime from April to June 2018, single claim receipts, disposals and outstanding caseload all increased (by 165%, 56% and 130% respectively), when compared to the same period last year.

There have been 12,400 fee refund payments made since the fee refund scheme was introduced, totalling just over £10m.

This article is taken from HR Law - October 2018.