How can we help you?

Our next session is on Tuesday 27 October at 11:30 am, where we will be discussing the Job Support Scheme.

For our next Trowers Tuesday session, partner John Turnbull and solicitor Vikki Cunliffe will be discussing what to expect from the new Job Support Scheme ("JSS") coming into force on 1 November 2020.

The session will explore how the JSS will affect businesses and their staff, the differences between the new scheme and the furlough scheme and an overview of what additional support will be available locally for areas in greater lockdown.

As always, we will be giving you the opportunity to submit your questions for the panel using the registration form. Please note, the register button will take you to an external Zoom page. 

This session will be recorded and made available after the webinar. To see the full details of how this data will be managed, please see our fair processing notice.

Event details

Tuesday 27 October 2020
11:30 am - 12:15 pm


Related Services

Employment and pensions