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Welcome to the February edition of Local Government Matters. 

This edition of Local Government Matters contains an extensive number of topics we are currently advising authorities on. We are leading with our analysis of the Cyber Security Longitudinal Study Wave Two Results Report. This is a fascinating and chastening report. The role of the Public Sector is key and recent high profile and debilitating cyber attacks on local authorities have highlighted the need for everyone to be aware of the role they can play in minimising their prevalence.

As usual we also have very topical articles on issues impacting different parts of local government life including digital infrastructure agreements and social housing regulation for local housing authorities, and much more. And of course we have something to celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month with a very personal and illuminating article by Helen Randall about her time working as a local government lawyer and volunteer when section 28 was introduced. Thank you Helen for continuing to lead the way.

List of articles:

What is the role of the Public Sector in the world of cyber security?

Charlotte Clayson and Matt Whelan examine the UK government's latest review of cyber security trends and risks, and discuss the report's findings, it's recommendations and the consequences of cyber attacks on public sector organisations. 

Digital infrastructure agreements – getting the balance right

With digital connectivity is a critical part of modern life, Eileen Duncan and Emma Barnfield discuss how do landowners ensure that their interests are protected while allowing the digital infrastructure of the UK to grow and improve?

Section 28 - living two lives 

To mark LGBTQ+ History Month, Helen Randall recalls the damage Section 28 did to the lives of lawyers and teachers.

What local housing authorities need to know about the new approach to proactive regulation by the RSH

The Social Housing (Regulation) Bill is now being considered by the Commons. Scott Dorling and Julian Jarrett look at the essentials before it receives Royal Assent. 

Changing the UK's fraud landscape: our full report and analysis

Whilst we wait for the Government's response to the 'Fighting Fraud: Breaking the Chain' report, we have analysed the key recommendations in the HoL Report, what we would like to see in 2023 and our practical tips to protect your business against common fraud risks. 

Useful Tips for Local Authorities Managing Residential Properties 

To help with what is often a complicated process, we have put together a list of some useful tips for local authorities which own or manage residential properties to consider, whether as part of any new lettings, renewal proceedings or portfolio reviews.

Braceurself Ltd v NHS England [2022] EWHC 1532 (TCC)

Lucy James and Dylan Milner-Stopps examine the case, the claim and the hearing, and how it provides helpful reminders.

Transforming Public Procurement – Transparency

In this article we examine the Cabinet Office Policy Paper "Transforming Public Procurement – our transparency ambition" and assess the direction of travel for the proposed transparency regime.

Webinar: Procurement Update

Our procurement update explored how good practice in procurement conduct could continue to provide best value when spending public money.

Contractual termination – a 'common law' v 'contract' battle

The importance of adhering to contractual notice provisions when seeking to terminate construction contracts has long been emphasised by the Courts; no more so than in a recent judgment concerning Manor Co Living Limited ("MCL") v RY Construction Limited ("RYC") [2022].

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