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The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Menopause (APPG) has published a report on the impacts of the menopause and the case for policy reform. The report marks the conclusion of its inquiry and contains a section dedicated to menopause in the workplace, which the APPG confirms was one of the issues that attracted the most interest during the inquiry.

The APPG notes that some successful menopause-related claims have been brought on the basis of one protected characteristic, but recognises that it is easy for employers to overlook their obligations towards those experiencing menopause and that those who suffer discrimination and turn to the law face an uncertain journey. The report recognises that the current lack of guidance and legislation means that many employers don't have the tools they need to ensure they can support menopausal women at work.

The APPG recommends that the government co-ordinate and support an employer-led campaign to raise awareness of menopause in the workplace, and update and promote guidance for employers on "best practice" menopause at work policies and supporting interventions.

Meanwhile an Acas survey has found that one in three employers (33%) do not feel well equipped to support women going through the menopause. In terms of managers having the necessary skills to support staff, 46% felt either very or fairly confident that they did, with 37% either not very or not at all confident, and 17% of those surveyed not knowing. Acas advises employers to develop a menopause policy, provide awareness training for managers, and to consider making practical changes at work to help staff manage their symptoms (changes suggested include making cold drinking water and temperature control available).