The next few sessions in our private residential development briefing series we will be discussing 'Development sites from hell'. This month we will focus on rights of light. Rights of light are a key consideration prior to site acquisition and throughout the development process. Informed risk mitigation strategies can help to manage the rights of light risk arising from even the most difficult of sites.
We are delighted to be joined by Jerome Webb, Board Director at GIA Surveyors Ltd and Chris Gwynn, Senior Underwriter at MX Underwriting to explore the assessment and management of rights of light risks, risk mitigation strategies, indemnity insurance and current themes in rights of light.
In this session, we will discuss:
- What is a right of light and how is a right acquired?
- Modelling rights of light.
- Managing large scale negotiation.
- Indemnity insurance, what does it do and how it can help?
- Current trends in rights of light claim.