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As a sector, housing has spent much of the last year dealing with the pandemic and using any additional thinking time on governance and regulatory matters in planning for the requirements of the Fire Safety Act and Building Safety Bill and taking steps to address the issues flagged in the Social Housing White Paper (the White Paper).

In the meantime, the Regulator of Social Housing (the Regulator) has been very busy, planning for the new proactive consumer regulation regime outlined in the White Paper alongside undertaking its existing economic regulation role.

With the publication of the Regulator's annual Sector Risk Profile in October and with the consultation on proposed tenant satisfaction measures expected imminently, we thought that it would be a good time for a governance update.

In this update we provide:

  • A short commentary on the Sector Risk Profile
  • A reminder of the governance implications of the Building Safety Bill and the White Paper
  • A roundup of what we know about the proactive consumer regulation and the timetable for implementation

Please click here to read the update.